RN Patient Advocate Services Are Proud And Passionate About

Our 10-Core Value Belief System

1.  RNPAS believes that with teamwork and collaboration, the healthcare system can safely and effectively be delivered directly to client’s homes.  Control your healthcare destiny.  Remain safe at home, stay out of the hospital.  

2.  RNPAS believes that everyone who works in the healthcare field should follow the ethical standards of practice represented in the Nightingale Nurses Pledge and the Hippocratic Oath to Do No Harm.

3.  RNPAS believes in being passionate defenders of client’s rights, their autonomy, and their Informed Consent healthcare decisions.

4.  RNPAS believes that Knowledge is Power and that second opinions are a valuable asset  for true Informed Consent.  

5.  RNPAS believes in intuition and going with your gut…it is usually never wrong.  

6.  RNPAS believes that with God, anything is possible and we treat people with empathy, kindness, and respect towards their mind, body, soul, and spiritual needs.

7.  RNPAS believes that there are no problems, only solutions and that collaboration and teamwork, makes the dream work.

8.  RNPAS believes in patients-over-profits and we advocate for safe nurse-patient ratios, resulting in increased positive healthcare outcomes.

9.  RNPAS embraces that families and client’s loved ones are the client’s biggest advocates.  It takes a village.

10.  RNPAS treasures prayer and faith and considers it an honor to be able to help others…it’s at the core of who we are.   
