Advocating For Your Best Informed Consent Healthcare Decisions

Does the healthcare system have you feeling overwhelmed and confused?  Let RNPAS help navigate through the muddy waters.

Informed Consent is the ONLY consent. 

You have options. 

You  have choices. 

You have rights.

Control Your Healthcare Destiny

Did you know that you have rights when it comes to making healthcare decisions?   

INFORMED CONSENT:  RN Patient Advocate Services helps client’s explore what all of their healthcare options are while advocating for their rights…Informed consent is the only consent.

RNPAS’s Vision:  Client’s control their healthcare destiny.

Meeting client’s mind, body, soul, and spiritual needs, wherever they call home.

Safely Age in Place. Stay Home and Remain Out of the Hospital.

RNPAS embraces teamwork and collaboration and uses a creative, outside-the-box, anything is possible approach to safely and effectively deliver the healthcare system directly to the client’s home.  Keep your Autonomy.  Maintain your Independence.

Stay safe at home and out of the hospital, surrounded by your loved ones.


    "I can’t recommend Leslee enough

    Leslee Frederickson makes Florence Nightingale look like a slacker. She has more and better contacts in the medical community than anyone I know. She is a brilliant navigator and helped steer my mother through a very difficult surgery and calmed me down in the process. She is both empathetic and scientific. I can’t recommend Leslee enough."

    -M. A. New York Time Best Selling Author (Marisa)


    "She makes sense of it all

    When going through hard times... it’s hard to know what direction and type of care needed for your loved ones. This was where someone like Leslee comes in. She makes sense of it all; the type of care needed and time that it's needed. Leslee does all of this in a thoughtful and caring way. The process is bad enough; going in blind is not an option."

    -B. C. (Bernie)


    "Leslee was calm, patient, and loving

    My Aunt was extremely overwhelmed and did not know where to turn. She wanted to honor my Uncle’s wishes and bring him home so he could pass peacefully in his natural surroundings. That was all he wanted, to be home. Leslee was calm, patient, and loving while helping my Aunt understand what to expect during my Uncle’s final journey. Leslee reinforced what our (his) rights were and she played a pivotal role in the peaceful, comfortable, and dignified passing of my uncle while honoring his wishes to be home. We are forever grateful for how Leslee helped us in our darkest hour."

    -C. C. (Cyndi)


    "Leslee has a warm and caring heart

    Leslee has a warm and caring heart and her calm demeanor was transmitted in her caregiving. She is also very professional and knows her stuff. Leslee was very capable in assessing any and all medical and pharmaceutical issues that my wife dealt with and she was not only caring towards my wife, but she also was very helpful in assisting me, as I was my wife’s primary caregiver."

    -N. D. (Nick)


    "Couldn't have done it without her!

    Leslee's passion for helping others is something that is not easy to find, I know this from experience. She was by my side when I needed her, guiding my family through a very difficult time. Leslee always made herself available to me day or night to ensure we had everything we needed. If she didn't hear from me, she would check in with me to make sure everything was good. I can't thank her enough for everything she did for me and my family, we couldn't have done it without her!"

    -C. C. (Carla)


    "I can’t recommend Leslee enough

    Leslee Frederickson makes Florence Nightingale look like a slacker. She has more and better contacts in the medical community than anyone I know. She is a brilliant navigator and helped steer my mother through a very difficult surgery and calmed me down in the process. She is both empathetic and scientific. I can’t recommend Leslee enough."

    -M. A. New York Time Best Selling Author (Marisa)


    "She makes sense of it all

    When going through hard times... it’s hard to know what direction and type of care needed for your loved ones. This was where someone like Leslee comes in. She makes sense of it all; the type of care needed and time that it's needed. Leslee does all of this in a thoughtful and caring way. The process is bad enough; going in blind is not an option."

    -B. C. (Bernie)


    "Leslee has a warm and caring heart

    Leslee has a warm and caring heart and her calm demeanor was transmitted in her caregiving. She is also very professional and knows her stuff. Leslee was very capable in assessing any and all medical and pharmaceutical issues that my wife dealt with and she was not only caring towards my wife, but she also was very helpful in assisting me, as I was my wife’s primary caregiver."

    -N. D. (Nick)


    "Couldn't have done it without her!

    Leslee's passion for helping others is something that is not easy to find, I know this from experience. She was by my side when I needed her, guiding my family through a very difficult time. Leslee always made herself available to me day or night to ensure we had everything we needed. If she didn't hear from me, she would check in with me to make sure everything was good. I can't thank her enough for everything she did for me and my family, we couldn't have done it without her!"

    -C. C. (Carla)

The best healthcare outcomes start with a safety plan.

Safety Planning & Preventative Care

RNPAS strives to help clients and their families develop a safety plan that centers around the importance of preventative care; which is a major factor in maintaining good health and increasing positive healthcare outcomes.   

RNPAS also coaches and encourages clients to be a part of their own healthcare solutions, their own healthcare outcomes, and essentially, their own healthcare destiny.

Overall safety goals:

Reduce falls, infections, & help prevent injuries.

Reduce disease exacerbations & complications.

Minimize hospital visits.

End hospital readmissions.

Ensure safe hospital and/or acute care discharges.

Stay safe at home. Comfortably age in place.

Keep your family near.

Keep your autonomy. Maintain your independence.

Make empowered informed consent decisions.

Safe, Scientifically Proven, Evidenced Based

Medical error is the 3rd leading cause of death

RNPAS advocates for safe, scientifically proven, evidenced based practice for anyone working in the medical industry as a common standard…

Having an advocate to partner with to educate about Informed Consent can help stop medical errors.

Don't Be Bullied by the Healthcare System

RNPAS encourages and stresses the importance of Second Opinions.  Everyone has choices and options for their healthcare decisions; don’t feel forced into uncomfortable healthcare decisions!  Go with your gut! 

Call RN Patient Advocate Services today, we can help:  973-832-3077

Why People Trust RNPAS

RNPAS are experienced and seasoned professionals.

RNPAS has impeccable follow-through skills and are extremely tenacious…they never give up.

RNPAS believes that with a solid action plan, there are no problems, only solutions.

RNPAS presses into faith and leans into the Bible for guidance and direction and believes that with God, anything is possible. Jesus gives miracles to all who ask: John 14:14 “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

RNPAS has extremely high moral and ethical codes, follows faith driven ethical standards, and follows the guidelines within their scope of practice.

nurse advocates

**RNPAS is an independent, private pay advocacy consulting company.

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